Intel Serial Io Driver For Windows 10 32 Bit

Gratis Lenovo V130-14IGM (Type 81HM) Intel Serial-IO (SIO) Driver v.30.100.1726.2 v.30.100.1726.2.
  • Windows 10, 64-bit. Language: English. Detailed Description. Installs the Intel® Serial IO host controller driver version 1.3 for Intel® NUCs. The Intel Serial IO driver is required if you plan to use the I2C, UART, or GPIO host controllers.
  • Install Intel (R) Serial IO I2C ES Controller driver for Windows 10 x64, or download DriverPack Solution software for automatic driver installation and update.
Tipo del software:Driver
Tipo de archivo comprimido:InstallShield. Ver el contenido del archivo comprimido

This package provides Intel Serial-IO (SIO) Driver and is supported on ideapad L3-15IML05 and running the following Operating Systems: Windows 10 (64-bit).

Sistema:Windows 10 64-bit
Descripción:Intel Serial-IO (SIO) Driver for Lenovo V130-14IGM (Type 81HM)
Información legal:Todo el software de es gratis. Todos los nombres y marcas comerciales pertenecen a sus propietarios..
¡Antención!:Algunos programas provienen de las fuentes desconocidas. No garantizamos su comparibilidad y funcionamiento. Analice siempre los archivos descargados con un programa antivirus. No nos responsabilizamos por los posibles daños ocasionados por la instalación de los programas descargados. La descarga del archivo desde significa que Ud. conoce estas condiciones y está de acuerdo con ellas. Agreement.

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Gratis HP 11-f004tu Intel Serial IO Driver v.603.9600.1948.29470 Rev.A v.603.9600.1948.29470 Re.A.
Jenis program:Driver
Versi:603.9600.1948.29470 Rev.A
Jenis arsip:INSTALLSHIELD. Cek arsip
Sistem:Windows 8.1 64-bit
Deskripsi:Intel Serial IO Driver for HP 11-f004tu
This package contains the driver that enables the Intel Serial I
Drivers to be used with supported notebook models that are runnin
a supported operation system. Intel Serial IO Bus Drivers softwar
stack provides drivers for these IO modules to control the seria
interfaces and sensors that are connected in the Intel Serial I
Compatible devices
Informasi mengenai hak-hak pengguna:Semua perangkat lunak yang terletak pada adalah bebas biaya. Semua nama dan merek dagang adalah milik masing-masing pemiliknya..
Perhatian:Ada program yang berasal dari sumber yang belum diverifikasi. Kami tidak dapat menjamin kompatibilitas dan kinerja program-program tersebut. Selalu periksa download file dengan perangkat lunak antivirus. Kami tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang timbul sebagai akibat dari instalasi program-program yang sudah download. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk download file dari maka itu berarti Anda sudah ketahui peraturan yang tersebut di atas dan menyetujui untuk mematuhinya. Agreement.

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Versi: Rev.A
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Nama:Realtek RTL8723BE/­RTL8188EE 802.11b/­g/­n Wireless LAN Drivers
Sistem:Windows 8.1 64-bit
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This package contains the driver installation package for the
Realtek RTL8723BE/­RTL8188EE wireless LAN Controller in the
supported notebook models running a supported operating system.
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Versi: Rev.A
Sistem:Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit
Deskripsi:Realtek RTL8723BE Bluetooth Driver for HP 11-f004tu
This package contains the driver installation package for the
Realtek Bluetooth in the supported notebook models running a
supported operating systems.
Compatible devices:
Download HP 11-f004tu Realtek RTL8723BE Bluetooth Driver v. Rev.A
Versi: Rev.B
Deskripsi:Broadcom 802.11b/­g/­n Wireless LAN Driver for HP11-f004tu
The package contains Broadcom Wireless LAN driver for supported
notebook models running a supported operating system. Broadcom
Wireless LAN driver is required to enable integrated Broadcom
Wireless LAN adapter.
Compatible devices:
Download HP 11-f004tu Broadcom 802.11b/­g/­n Wireless LAN Driver v. Rev.B
Versi: Rev.B
Deskripsi:Broadcom 802.11b/­g/­n Wireless LAN Driver for HP11-f004tu
The package contains Broadcom Wireless LAN driver for supported
notebook models running a supported operating system. Broadcom
Wireless LAN driver is required to enable the integratedBroadcom
Wireless LAN adapter.
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This package contains the driver installation package for the
Realtek RTL8723BE/­RTL8188EE wireless LAN Controller in the
supported notebook models running a supported operating system.
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